Remove Blackheads,steatocystomas in ARMPIT,cách điều trị mụn hiệu quả tại Hien Van Spa-387-Mai Vân – Những cách trị mụn an toàn, tận gốc

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Remove Blackheads,steatocystomas in ARMPIT,cách điều trị mụn hiệu quả tại Hien Van Spa-387-Mai Vân
Remove Blackheads,steatocystomas in ARMPIT,cách điều trị mụn hiệu quả tại Hien Van Spa-387-Mai Vân

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Tìm kiếm liên quan đến Remove Blackheads,steatocystomas in ARMPIT,cách điều trị mụn hiệu quả tại Hien Van Spa-387-Mai Vân

spa trị tàn nhang uy tín,spa chăm sóc da hiệu quả trị mụn ngay sau một lần điều trị,Spa trị mụn viêm bọc uy tín,Spa trị nám hiệu quả,Spa trị mụn lưng hiệu quả,Spa trị thâm mụn hiệu quả,Spa trị đốm nâu hiệu quả,Spa trị mụn uy tín nhất TPHCM,Spa trị mụn gạo uy tín,Spa trị mụn thịt hiệu quả,Spa trị thâm mông hiệu quả

#Remove #Blackheadssteatocystomas #ARMPITcách #điều #trị #mụn #hiệu #quả #tại #Hien #Van #Spa387Mai #Vân

Mong rằng bài viết này sẽ mang lại nhiều nội dung hữu ích dành cho bạn. Chân thành cảm ơn bạn đã theo dõi nội dung về chăm sóc sắc đẹp, thẩm mỹ, làm đẹp, mỹ phẩm, làm tóc, cách trị mụn… của chúng tôi nhé.

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Hiền Vân Spa

I have created a list, which contains interesting videos you can watch them in this time 😉😉😉👌👌👌👌

Parto S


Susanne Zauzig

Nimm ein Skalpell zum Anritzen, geht besser als die Pulerei mit der Nadel

thomasina mike

I feel like a scalpel would have been less painful then all the needle stabbing!


Does that needle seem a little dull?? Ouch


The ripping sound from the needle makes me cringe. 😖 It sounds awful. I had to mute it.

Sarah Cunha

These are steatocystomas you have to remove the sac. Draining and squeezing will do nothing unless sac is removed. They will fill up again immediately


Please refer to a dermatologist. This is painful to see. I am sure it hurt the patient so much without anaesthesia! 🙈😮

marsha baum

Nice job but it got to hurt

Roo Hamm

Such a tender part of the arm. She's pretty tuff!! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Kelley Gingles

Are these types painful for the client?

Isabelle Tartempion


Amelia Cantrell

Do you not know you have to get the sack out or they will come back?

Margo Mazzeo

I feel bad for this lady..the forearm and underarm are such tender places. 😰😰😪😪

Margo Mazzeo it possible for us..your purchase a hand towel as shown here with your spa name and logo on it??🎁💝🎈😘

Margo Mazzeo

That big one? Like😂😳😳😳


No. I do not like these videos

Candi O'Connell

I'm guessing healthcare is abysmal where you are since this person is getting theses cysts emptied at a spa rather than properly removed by a doctor. I'm surprised you are allowed to take patients like this.

Nabhatsornt Sirapetch



That poor girl, having to deal with these, as well as the pain and scarring from extracting. I don't feel like all of the contents were drained in some of them, especially the ones under the arm.

Anke Bach

Thank you Hien for annother great video. Best wishes to everyone from germany. God bless you all.💖💖💖

sharon tucci

steatocystomas, how do you recommend your customers take care of there and do you do any other treatment to them.

Crazy Leyland 510

People with steatocystomas have a genetic predisposition for these, and new ones will keep growing. Therefore it is probably better to get them drained from time to time rather than surgically removed, as this costs a lot less than surgery, and surgery leaves small scars. Particularly applies to the face and armpits.


So unnecessary

Sarah Johnson

Why don’t you remove the sacs?

Pricila Helena

Tratamento doloroso. Brasil

Marsha Border

She does realize there are sacks with those type of cysts. Sandra Lee takes them out with a tweezer all the time on her vlog, or they will come back if not removed.

Beth Cervenka

Does she have them on her chest or back?


Thank you for posting some of your previous videos dear Hien. I don't mind watching them more than once, especially during these difficult days. They're a great company and entertainment . I'll watch tomorrow the list you have created. Stay safe, dear friend.🌷💕🌷💕🌷

Lord Maul

Great job! It's great to have some variety and very satisfying!

Bobbie Sue

Thank you for the play list. Hope everyone is safe and healthy over there.

Sharon Evans

Thank you Hien for another great video

Bobbie Sue

do you go back and remove the sack??

Lynn Smith

I read that steatocystomas are not acne, but a form of cyst that are produced by the oil glands in the subcutaneous level of the skin. That’s why they have an oily look to them. They can be a chronic problem for some people, although they may or may not come back if the sac is not removed. They may just appear someplace else.

Stephen horbatiuk

Hi, do you use any anaesthetic?
If not. Putting needles in someone’s arm pit must be very painful.

How do you control patient’s pain?


Love all of them but ear pimples and cysts are still a favorite. Anyone else thinking of mama squishy watching this. I feel like she's the one that made type of acne popular.

Doris Jory

Definitely not Hein.

Beth Neal

Yay! Steatocystomas Part 2!