BEHRINGER MODEL D REVIEW and 15-minute manual – Trang review son môi uy tín nhất

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behringer model d review sonic state – Video review son môi dành cho bạn.

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Hình ảnh liên quan đến chủ đề BEHRINGER MODEL D REVIEW and 15-minute manual.

BEHRINGER MODEL D REVIEW and 15-minute manual
BEHRINGER MODEL D REVIEW and 15-minute manual

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Ngoài xem bài viết chủ đề behringer model d review sonic state, bạn có thể xem thêm một số video review các mẫu son khác tại đây nữa nhé:

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Tìm kiếm liên quan đến BEHRINGER MODEL D REVIEW and 15-minute manual.

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#BEHRINGER #MODEL #REVIEW #15minute #manual.

Mong rằng bài viết này sẽ mang lại nhiều nội dung hữu ích dành cho bạn. Chân thành cảm ơn bạn đã theo dõi nội dung về chăm sóc sắc đẹp, thẩm mỹ, làm đẹp, mỹ phẩm, làm tóc, cách trị mụn, cách trị nám, hướng dẫn sử dụng các công cụ làm đẹp, review mỹ phẩm… của chúng tôi nhé.

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Jake Mertz

how do you get that sine wave tone? when I turn all the mixer switches off I get no sound. I'm thinking, maybe because I'm connected to my interface with a 1/4" instead of with MIDI?

Timotej Rešetič

I just ordered this little beauty!


Wow this is great! I also just figured out the the Triple Oscillator in LMMS is meant as a clone of this.

Numa Varela Raggio

Excelent! whats that osciloscope that shows when you zoom in? how can i get that for wave analysis?


thanks again for all your helpfull information! it's really making me climb up the learning curve of all the gear i bought throughout the years. playing synthesizers for me means 50procent study technics, 40procent fooling around plugging and unplugging gear, 10procent actually make music

Jeremy Randall

Thanks again

juit Celis

can you use pedal in the cvfilter?


hey there so i bought the model d and it works fine in logic with the safire as the interface but im a maschine mk3 user and i want to basically have maschine control the model d and the future berhinger synths im going to get, how do i route the sound if i just want to us maschine only, i cant get sound, i have the midi out going into my quadra and the model d is hooked to the midi thru of that, the high out is going into line 1 input in maschine, i have the settings receiving and send midi on channel 1, the input audio part is what i cant get right in the maschine settings, do you have a suggestion for this


which of the decay was in the orginal mini moog . the loud decay or filter decay.?

V I N I . M P 4

Model D or Mother 32?

Levi Mudhouse

2:35 luckily my D is not out of tune 😁🍆

tony c

just watched this again – and still learning from it – Thanks for all the work you put in


Watching this in November 2020, it's eerie to see Behringer next to Arturia Keystep

John Doerfler

You have to tune it with a soldering iron? HARD PASS

Jeremy Kemble

What spectrum analyzer is that ?

Jane Malkavian

damn now im torn between this or getting a microkorg

Ka Shi



finally thought i'd learn the patching options for the model D having had one a couple of years. everything sounds identical to the demonstrations except one thing. at 18:45 the LC Gate sounds punchy when triggered by the square LFO, but with mine i hear nothing unless I raise the LC sustain, and the triggered envelope sounds very soft, more like a triangle. raising the attack has no effect, so seems like it's just modulating volume rather than triggering the envelope. any advice appreciated. 🙂


Thanks for posting. Looking to get one soon!

Jeff Jenkins

Oh, what lucky men we are to have this sound for $300!


Just ordered one – brand new for £211 from bax music with a 10% off voucher – OSC920 . Move quickly

Cant wait to use my tb03 sequencer with it!

Luke Bartolozzi

hey mate just a question, do i need to use the model D midi aswell as the arturia keystep? or does the keystep sync into the model d via the 5 pin connection? cheers !

Can Ertogan

super helpful, thank you!

Vinny Marotta

I love how he explains what each thing does and he puts it in simple terms for even dummies like me can understand

Lufuno Muthala

got the model D a few days ago ,was super confused, I am no longer confused

Yamil Ortiz

Can I use a Korg Minilogue as a MIDI keyboard for the Model D?

Pratik Joshi

Qe can't play around with chorus sounds modulation? And if i also want to play around with the chord which one modular is best for me and affordable also please


This was SO helpful… Thank you very much indeed

Walter Jones

Great intro. I played the D back in the 1970's and miss my twins. I'm thinking this might be a fun trip down memory lane. Now to find my patches!

Colourman Music

Top, top, top vid . Having the oscilloscope is genius. Being able to visualise how the sound is affected by each section makes this so much easier to understand. I use iMini app on ipad, which is Awesome, with a LaunchControlxl. It’s slightly different but this is great knowledge.

Bobby Baird

What is the spectrum analzyer you are using? I would like to get something similar so i can see the waveforms. Thanks in advance.

TonyAnthemz DotCom

Is the Aturia the necessary evil to run this thing right? I just got one running with my Akai MPK 225

Dank Hill

Wait, can't you just use a tuning fork to tune it? lol


I don't buy anything made by Behringer on principle. The company's behavior is atrocious, ripping off other people's designs, without which they'd be nothing. I don't care if their stuff is less expensive. It's less expensive for reasons that make me want to have nothing to do with them.

Barbie Chêtif

12:21 thanks for the information, I was lost to undertsand where the Release was. The owner's manual is not helpful.

David Kaplan

Just discovered I can patch the LFO into the Ext. in to create a 4th oscillator, and then disconnect Osc 3 control to create two drone oscillators.

Charles Rochfort

Ha Ha …Nice 'Lucky Man' ending !

Ryan Winters

Great tutorial!


great video 🙂 what spectral analzyer do you use?

Brad Jensen

i finally got one. the knobs are for tiny hands but that don't mean this synth is weak… it sounds like buttery bass goodness. it's getting the funk filter settings and will remain at this position until i find another patch worthy of being set. 😉